Ofsted education inspection framework and maintained schools and academies inspection handbook consultation

05 April 2019


The Health Conditions in Schools Alliance is made of over 30 organisations, including charities, healthcare professionals and national trade unions who work collaboratively to make sure children with health conditions get the care and support they need in school. We believe that children and young people should not be prevented from accessing a good quality and full education because of their health conditions and we work to ensure that no matter what health condition a child may have, they are able to lead as happy, healthy and fulfilling lives as possible in an education setting.

This response has been informed by the views of children and young people living with medical conditions and their parents or carers. We have used survey work conducted by a number of our members and have carried out literature-based research. The recommendations we make in this response reflect the views and needs of the people we represent and we hope our suggestions are given serious consideration.

We will recommend that: 

• The school inspection handbook should instruct Inspectors to routinely check that schools have an effective medical conditions policy

• The school inspection handbook should instruct inspectors to randomly select at least one, completed individual healthcare plan and check its effective implementation• The school inspection handbook should instruct inspectors to randomly select at least one, completed individual healthcare plan and check its effective implementation

• The school inspection handbook should instruct inspectors to check whether a school’s medical conditions policy is published on the school’s website• The school inspection handbook should instruct inspectors to check whether a school’s medical conditions policy is published on the school’s website

• The inspection Framework should make clear that inspectors should understand all government guidance and schools’ obligations surrounding medical conditions policy and safeguarding legislation, including section 100 of the Children and Families Act (2014)

Why are we responding to this consultation?

In 2014 the Children and Families Act (2014) introduced a duty on schools to support children with medical conditions1, to ensure that these children are able to fully participate in all aspects of school life. Statutory guidance on the duty, published by the Department for Education, states that “all schools [should] develop a policy for supporting pupils with medical conditions that is reviewed regularly and is readily accessible to parents and school staff”2. Further, statutory safeguarding

1 Children and Families Act (2014), section 100, Duty to support pupils with medical conditions 
2 Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions, 2015